Car Insurance, Auto Insurance | YourPolicy

Why do I need auto insurance?

When you purchase a car, motorcycle, boat, or RV, auto insurance is not an option – it is a must. It’s not only required by most states but protects you and other drivers from the excessively high cost of auto accidents.

If you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver, you could be responsible for the costs of car repairs, property damage, medical bills, lost wages, legal fees, and more. Be sure that you’re covered for all of these expenses by seeking information and advice from Your Policy and our team of expert carriers.

What does car insurance cover? The six basic types of insurance.

As with all insurance, car insurance can be confusing. The following information will clarify some important points and help you to understand the different types of coverage available.

Bodily Injury Liability

If you are at fault, bodily injury liability will cover medical, rehabilitation, and funeral expenses of all injured passengers, even those not in your car, boat, or RV. This plan will also pay legal and settlement fees if a lawsuit occurs.

Personal Injury Protection

PIP covers medical expenses regardless of who is at fault. Covered expenses include hospital, rehabilitation and in-home care, as well as lost wages and funeral expenses incurred by you and your passengers. Personal Injury Protection is required in many states.


If you are at fault, collision coverage will pay to repair or replace your car, motorcycle, boat, or RV. This coverage kicks in if your vehicle is in an accident with another vehicle or you hit an object like a tree or a wall. Collision coverage is typically required by the lender if you’re leasing or financing your car.

Property Damage Liability

This coverage applies when you’re at fault for a car accident. It covers parts and labor for repairs, any property inside the other driver’s vehicle and, anything else that you hit. This plan does not cover damages to your own vehicle or property, although it may pay certain legal expenses.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection

If a driver who is uninsured or underinsured hits your vehicle, you could be responsible for medical and repair bills unless you have uninsured motorist coverage.


Comprehensive plans cover damage to your car, motorcycle, boat, or RV that is not caused by a collision, but an event that is out of your control. Examples of losses covered by comprehensive insurance are windshield repair, hitting an animal, hail, falling tree branches, and other unforeseeable events.

How to get Discounts on Auto Insurance

Many insurance companies will help you save money if you bundle multiple policies. But there are a number of other ways your an save money on car insurance.

  • Safe driving discounts – go a few years – typically three to five, without incidents, your premium may drop.
  • Affiliation discounts – Are you associated with an organization that provides discount opportunities?
  • Telematics – using an app that tracks your driving behavior can provide discounts for safe driving practices.

Shopping for these discounts can be time consuming. Let our team at YourPolicy help find you the right coverage.

Most Common Auto Insurance Mistakes

Trying to keep track of all the moving pieces of purchasing car insurance can be confusing. Common mistakes people make include:

  • Not fully understanding your coverage
  • Failing to shop around
  • Focusing on the cost only
  • Not considering add-on coverage or bundles

At YourPolicy we help ensure you understand all your options and find you the coverage you need a the best available rate.

You have questions. We have answers.

Common Auto Insurance Questions.

Many insurers select their policy too quickly after purchasing a car. Don’t choose your auto insurance without carefully looking at the details of the policy. Your Policy can help you compare policies in minutes, and get an affordable rate with coverage to protect you, your car and your passengers.

Most states require some level of auto insurance, but you want to be sure that the minimum is enough to keep you and your family protected. Your Policy agents will be able to help you find the best coverage in your particular situation at a price that fits your budget.

Adding your new teen driver to your existing policy could increase your rates. However, many of the larger companies offer a “good student” rate. Typically, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, qualifies for a discount.

Car insurance rates can be based on your zip code, driving record, age, marital status, credit score, and choice of car. Of course, the amount of coverage that you decide to buy is an important factor when determining your rate. Auto insurance at Your Policy is quick and easy. Our agents can help you find coverage that fits your needs in just minutes.

Telematics is a system that tracks your driving behavior through the transmission of computerized information. Many companies give a small discount for downloading the app and a larger discount is applied depending upon your driving analysis.

Yes. Your car insurance applies to any driver listed on your policy, so be sure to list all drivers in your household. You may have some protection for licensed drivers not listed on your policy such as extended family or friends who don’t live with you.